Exploring Britains Ancient Celtic Sites and Ruins by Minicab

Exploring Britains Ancient Celtic Sites and Ruins by Minicab
Embark on a unique journey by transfer, exploring Britain's ancient Celtic sites and ruins. Discover the rich history and mystic allure of these timeless landmarks, from Stonehenge to Hadrian's Wall, offering a captivating glimpse into the past.


Stonehenge, one of Britain's most iconic ancient Celtic sites, is a must-visit for anyone interested in exploring the country's rich history. This prehistoric monument, located in Wiltshire, is easily accessible by transfer and offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. The massive stone circle, believed to have been constructed between 3000 and 2000 BC, continues to mystify archaeologists and historians with its purpose and construction methods. As you approach the site, the sheer scale and arrangement of the stones will leave you in awe. The visitor centre provides insightful exhibitions and a 360-degree virtual experience, enhancing your understanding of this ancient wonder. Stonehenge is not just a collection of stones; it's a symbol of Britain's ancient Celtic culture and a testament to the ingenuity of our ancestors. A transfer journey to this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a journey back in time, offering a unique opportunity to connect with the past.


Avebury, nestled in the heart of Wiltshire, is a must-visit for anyone exploring Britain's ancient Celtic sites. This Neolithic henge monument contains the largest stone circle in Europe, dwarfing even the famous Stonehenge. A transfer ride from nearby towns like Swindon or Marlborough will transport you back in time, as you approach the awe-inspiring sight of these massive standing stones. The site, believed to be around 5,000 years old, is steeped in mystery and folklore. The village of Avebury itself is charmingly quaint, with thatched cottages and traditional pubs, making it a perfect stop for lunch or a pint. The nearby Avebury Manor and Garden, a 16th-century manor house, offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. Avebury is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is managed by the National Trust, ensuring its preservation for future generations. This ancient, mystical site is a testament to the rich history and culture of Celtic Britain and is a must-see on any historical tour.

Tintagel Castle

Tintagel Castle, perched on Cornwall's rugged coastline, is a must-visit for anyone exploring Britain's ancient Celtic sites. This medieval fortification is steeped in Arthurian legend, believed to be the birthplace of King Arthur himself. The castle's ruins, accessible by transfer, offer a fascinating glimpse into the past, with remnants of the 13th-century castle and older, Celtic monastery. The site's dramatic cliff-top setting provides breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, enhancing the mystical aura that surrounds Tintagel. A visit here is not just about history; it's about immersing yourself in the myths and legends that form an integral part of Britain's cultural heritage. The journey to Tintagel Castle by transfer is an adventure in itself, winding through picturesque Cornish villages and stunning landscapes. This ancient site, with its rich history and captivating scenery, is a highlight of any tour of Britain's Celtic past.

Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a must-visit for anyone exploring Britain's ancient Celtic sites and ruins. Built by the Romans in AD 122 under Emperor Hadrian's rule, this 73-mile-long wall was once a formidable frontier of the Roman Empire. Today, it offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. A transfer tour of Hadrian's Wall is an excellent way to explore this historical marvel at your own pace. You can stop at various points of interest, including the Roman forts of Housesteads and Vindolanda, the Roman Army Museum, and the interactive visitor centre at The Sill. The wall's rugged path also offers stunning views of the Northumberland countryside. Whether you're a history buff or a nature lover, a transfer tour of Hadrian's Wall promises an unforgettable journey through Britain's ancient past.

Skara Brae

Skara Brae, located on the Bay of Skaill in the Orkney Islands, is one of Britain's most intriguing ancient Celtic sites. This Neolithic village, dating back to 3200 BC, is older than both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids. A transfer journey to this UNESCO World Heritage site offers a glimpse into the lives of the ancient Celts. The well-preserved stone dwellings, complete with stone furniture, provide a unique insight into Neolithic domestic life. The site was hidden under sand for centuries until a severe storm in 1850 revealed the ancient settlement. Today, visitors can explore the eight houses, interconnected by covered passageways, and marvel at the craftsmanship of our ancestors. A visit to Skara Brae is a journey back in time, offering a tangible connection to Britain's ancient Celtic past.

Callanish Stones

The Callanish Stones, located on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, are one of Britain's most significant ancient Celtic sites. Accessible by transfer from the nearby town of Stornoway, this mysterious stone circle dates back to around 2900 BC, predating England's famous Stonehenge. The site consists of a central stone circle surrounded by four smaller lines of stones, forming a rough Celtic cross shape. The tallest stone stands at nearly 5 meters, silently guarding the site for millennia. The purpose of the Callanish Stones remains a mystery, with theories ranging from astronomical observatory to religious site. The stones are free to visit and provide a unique opportunity to connect with Britain's ancient past. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply appreciate the mystique of ancient ruins, a visit to the Callanish Stones is a must when exploring Britain's Celtic heritage.

Carnac Stones

The Carnac Stones, located in Brittany, France, are a captivating sight for those exploring ancient Celtic sites. These mysterious stones, numbering over 3,000, are arranged in precise lines stretching over 2 miles, making them the largest collection of such stones in the world. Believed to have been erected during the Neolithic period, around 4500 BC, they offer a fascinating glimpse into the lives and beliefs of our ancient ancestors. The purpose of these stones remains a mystery, with theories ranging from astronomical observatories to religious sites. A transfer tour to the Carnac Stones provides a convenient and comfortable way to explore this ancient site. As you journey through the picturesque French countryside, you'll have the opportunity to marvel at these enigmatic stones and ponder their ancient secrets. The Carnac Stones are a must-visit for anyone interested in Celtic history and ancient archaeology.

Hill of Tara

The Hill of Tara, located in County Meath, Ireland, is a must-visit for anyone exploring Britain's ancient Celtic sites. This archaeological complex, once the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, is steeped in myth and history. The site is dotted with numerous ancient monuments, including the Stone of Destiny, where kings were crowned, and the Mound of the Hostages, a Neolithic passage tomb. The panoramic views from the hilltop are breathtaking, offering a glimpse of the lush Irish landscape. A transfer ride to the Hill of Tara is a journey back in time, allowing you to immerse yourself in the rich Celtic heritage. Despite the ravages of time, the Hill of Tara retains its mystical allure, making it a fascinating destination for history buffs and curious travellers alike.

Ring of Brodgar

The Ring of Brodgar, located in Orkney, Scotland, is a must-visit for anyone exploring Britain's ancient Celtic sites. This Neolithic henge and stone circle is one of the oldest and finest in the UK, dating back to between 2500 and 2000 BC. It originally comprised 60 stones, of which 27 remain standing today, forming a perfect circle with a diameter of 104 metres. The site is surrounded by a large circular ditch, a testament to the engineering skills of our ancient ancestors. The Ring of Brodgar is part of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site, and its remote location offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. A transfer journey to this site provides a comfortable and convenient way to explore this fascinating piece of history, allowing you to immerse yourself in the mystery and grandeur of Britain's ancient past.

Dun Aonghasa

Dun Aonghasa, perched on the edge of a cliff on Inishmore, the largest of the Aran Islands, is one of the most impressive ancient Celtic sites in Britain. This prehistoric fort, dating back to 1100 BC, offers a fascinating glimpse into the life of the early Celts. The fort's three concentric stone walls and chevaux-de-frise, a defensive feature made of upright stones, are a testament to the engineering skills of the ancient inhabitants. The site's dramatic location, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, adds to its allure. A transfer ride from the ferry port at Kilronan brings you to this remarkable site. The journey itself is a treat, with the rugged landscape and the vast expanse of the ocean providing a stunning backdrop. Dun Aonghasa is a must-visit for anyone interested in exploring Britain's ancient Celtic heritage.

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Ans. Facilities are offered, yes.

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Ans. Yes, two-way service is made possible.

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Ans. Every automobile has a child seat available.

Q.Do you oversee the flights?

Ans. Yes, we provide complete flight supervision.